DoomHammer: Magic

Introducing DoomHammer: Magic, a complete levelless spellcasting module for DoomHammer: Core!

Three pages stuffed with as much AD&D/Warhammer-inspired goodness as I could muster, as concisely as possible for ease of reference during play. It features multipurpose spells, a spectrum of 12 elements with special effects that plug into modular spells, and a variety of defensive auras and counterspells, which encourage diverse spell selection and more interactive wizard battles.

Notes on system adaptation; DoomHammer is super light. Its rules fit on one page, so there is also little to read in order to grok its conventions. For most systems you should only need to transpose attributes and devise damage values.

Contents of tables: 12 Magic Elements, 6 Elemental Projectile Forms, 20 Spells, 12 Cantrips, 6 Elemental Being Tiers, 12 Miscasts, and 20 Mutations, not counting elemental variations, nested entries, and subtables - there are actually about 60 mutations!